Why & How To Do Your First Pull Up

Above: It's me Anton Hedges - Health/Fitness Coach - Throwing a few pull ups in whilst on my holidays a couple of years ago.

The Pull Up: One of my favourite exercises is the pull-up. I consider the pull-up a foundational movement for several reasons: The ability to pull your own weight is a direct measure of your strength-to-weight ratio. And a high strength-to-weight ratio provides major advantage in many sports.

The pull-up does not lie! For certain, if your numbers decrease, you can bet you've gained some fat, lost some muscle--or both. You never see fat boys doing pull-ups and people doing lots of pull-ups are never fat

Any kind of row/pulling movement (horizontal/vertical etc) brings the body into extension which counter balances flexion (E.G - sat hunched over your desk etc) therefore this not only build core strength and stability it will also improve posture etc

Just hanging from the pull-up position is also great for spinal alignment. The weight of the lower body pulling down upon the spine creates traction. The simple act of hanging, on its own, is very therapeutic.

Another benefit is that you can do pull ups anywhere. Which is great considering I no longer use the gym for any of my workouts (although our 5-pillar system & this pull up routine can be incorporated within a gym) and since freeing myself from the shackles of a traditional gym giving me the freedom to do the pull-up workouts outdoors--and preferably in nature.

But where to find a decent pull up bar? Most gyms don't even have decent pull-up bars! Playgrounds are a good--though unreliable--source of pulling devices. Some playgrounds have actual pull up bars or monkey bars that afford a pulling workout.

And if you found your way here through Lucy's (one of the exclusive local in-person clients that runs alongside the online system) first pull up video then you will have noticed (she started out with chins ups before progressing to pull ups) she was also getting creative using the joist rafters as the garage/studio..

This actually makes the pull up more challenging due to the discomfort of grip etc and if we can do the pull ups off rafters, thick tree branches, and park bars etc then doing them in the comfort of the gym with those cute little gloves will be easier!

So, now we are aware of the many benefits of this challenging exercise I'd suggest adding them to your weekly routine or at the very least make a start with the 'how to do your first pull up' (as this will incorporate a variety of modified row/pull movements and benefits)

1, Try some dead hangs, as mentioned above, where you hang and enjoy the spinal traction at the end of your current workouts. Start with 10 second holds and build up to 40-60 seconds as and when you are ready..

Avoid swinging through engaging your core!

Unsure how to engage and align you core?

>Grab my free wake up warrior guide below to learn more<

*Negative reps are also useful. Starting at the top of the pull up position (use chair/step assistance if required) and slowly lower your body under control = 1 Negative Rep*

2, 20-60 second planks, talking of core - You will need some foundational core strength so throw a plank in 2-3 times each week as a workout finisher or as a short challenge

>Grab the guide for more plank tutorial and challenges<

3, Lat PULL Down & Bent Over ROWS, Gym Goer? Throw these 2 exercises in each week. Not a gym goer concentrate on the dumbbell/kettlebell bent over rows building that strength and stability up to enable your first pull up - See below

Above - Lat Pull Downs and below Single Arm Bent Over Row (Barbell optional)

4, Inverted Pull Up/Rows, Can use Trx suspension trainer, a fixed barbell ideally on the smith machine, OR even just a towel and some creativity...

Above - It's moi again, back in the park demonstrating some inverted towel rows. You can also hook the towel around a tree in your local park..

5, Band Assisted Pull Ups - Own a resistance band?

Now give this variation below ago.. (*random pic off net I don't own copyright)

6, Pull Variations: The video below demonstrates some pull up variations (including TRX suspension trainer) that can be done around the home (filmed during the first lockdown) or anywhere with just a little creativity and FUN - Don't forget to have some FUN!

Please be aware that this is only a brief tutorial, however, you should find this more than beneficial in your quest to improve or achieve those pull ups.

If you'd like to learn more about the simple proven wake up warrior 5-pillar online system (& local in-person, currently full) that all these ordinary guys/girls are using to build strength/tone, burn fat (weight loss) and remove aches/pains fast?

Then grab the free guide (my personal blueprint) below and make a start

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