Perfect Your Plank: Engage & Strengthen Your Abs, Core, & Back (Tutorial)

The 'Plank' a simple but very effective exercise when performed correctly!

Above: It's me Anton Hedges - Health/Fitness Coach...

Back with another simple challenge/tutorial for perfecting your plank alignment through engaging & strengthening your

Abs, Core, Shoulders & Back etc etc

Not sure if you have seen (and been using) the recent ONE MINUTE strength challenge that we've been running?

The One Minute Plank Push Up Plank Challenge

Well, this tutorial will only help assist and improve your challenge results/benefits and progress >>similar to the recent pain free push up tutorial<<

Or just benefit your planks in general, Why?

Well, the 'Plank' when performed correctly is a phenomenal exercise for core strengthening, as they engage multiple muscle groups..

Simultaneously and they can also give you a tighter tum, improved posture, flexibility, and balance, a better mood and less back pain with increased core strength!

Therefore, the plank is a useful body-weight exercise when executed correctly. This is achieved through engaging your core, aligning, and activating the TVA (transverse abs)

Having a strong core (activation) will not only aid your performance goals but will also help you stay PAIN FREE

E.G - Back pain is usually caused through poor core strength and stability due to BOTH occupational & recreational activities

Therefore, using the correct alignments (using pelvic tilts etc) to achieve the full benefits is vital. As opposed to having glutes high in the air or just letting the lower back sag...

**possibly causing more imbalances, issues, & pain**

This usually comes back to human ego

Where people will attempt to hold for a long period, or compete against others, which can lead to the poor form.

> As mentioned in the recent Warrior Workout Time Challenge <

You are better off performing correctly for a shorter period and building up over time - quality over quantity = less is more!

However this is because my wake up warrior 5-pillar system is all about health, fitness AND longevity!

So, not only will this tutorial help you improve the push up challenge, it will also be a gamechanger moving forwards...

for staying strong and pain free

Now, attempt to engage and align as demonstrated and you will find that you feel your abs/core whilst holding this plank?

Why not now attempt the one minute plank push up challenge?

Which is a quick way to build strength/size/tone WITHOUT any equipment or need for gyms??

The overload (muscular burn) this challenge produces will help increase your strength and hit your core/belly...

However to fuel this overload (if you want some size) will require good sources of protein.

Similar to removing the stubborn belly flab, it will involve a healthy balanced and enjoyable (= sustainable) food/drink consumption. If you'd like some help with this?

And to get in on and compare your challenge with the other guys

Feel free to grab my free waking the warrior free 5-pillar guide (my personal blueprint - includes meal plan example)

*With even more in-depth tutorials and real usable content*

The very system all these ordinary guys girls are using to build strength/tone and burn fat (weight loss) right now

So they can look, move, and feel great!

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